For the establishment of a central structure in product and process development.

A central system architecture forms the basis of the activities of all participants as well as their verification in product and process development. It facilitates teamwork, supports internal workflows, and enables the validation and verification of all requirements.

The methodology of e1ns.architect allows to build a model of the system architecture very quickly and systematically. The requirements on a system and/or the customer needs are analyzed and the components that could be used to fulfill the requirements can be identified.

This reciprocal process between the formulation of the requirement and the selection of a component for its implementation, automatically builds a system structure. The division into individual, independent units / elements which can be realized separately is depicted in a hierarchical tree. The analysis also includes the company’s own production processes and the components manufactured by suppliers.

Which Working Technique do You Prefer?

Matrix or net based analysis of the system structure.

Using e1ns.architect you get the possibility to create and edit system structures, function nets and failure nets in one common interface. Thus, essential analysis steps for the creation of a system FMEA can be performed as well as the description of complex system and cause-effect relationships.

Depending on the task or preference, users can work systematically in matrices or visually in networks. At any time, it is possible to switch between working with nets and the relationship matrix. The combination of systematic analysis (relationship matrix) and visualization of the relationships (nets) is a method that quickly achieves robust results.


Structure setup in the matrix

The central element of e1ns.architect is an assignment or link matrix, via which the individual links between system elements, functions and failures can be created or removed. Additionally displayed network diagrams show the result of the links and can be used to navigate between the analyzed system levels.

In e1ns.architect, the model of a system architecture can be created systematically and quickly by means of a matrix and easily linked with functions and errors. Filter functions allow a quick focus and maintain the overview in complex systems.

Building New Structures

Especially recommended for new structures or a structure rebuild.

  • Very quick structure setup simply by setting check marks.
  • Networking of product requirements and manufacturing processes
  • Uniform systematics for structure / function / failure
  • Well structured and suitable for large amounts of data
  • Filter to check for completeness

Working Visually in Nets

Working visually makes it easier for project participants to get started, because the integrated e1ns.netbuilder allows them to work directly in nets. Here, focus elements and their effects as well as influences can be viewed graphically. Additionally, this function within e1ns.architect enables the focused editing and completion of nets for structures, functions and failures.

The netbuilder by e1ns quickly identifies and links causes and effects. Furthermore, actions can also be triggered during the failure analysis.

Focus on Detail Problems

Especially recommended for the analysis of complex relationships.

  • Visual work in nets
  • Various filter options support focused work
  • Understanding the impact on the system
  • Effortless addition of FMEA actions
  • Easy editing via drag and drop


Application examples

  • Customer-oriented product planning
  • Requirements analysis and detailed specifications
  • Configuration of a system design
  • Description of functions and responses
  • Analysis of system crashes, failures, and their effects
  • Visualization of relationships with nets for systems, functions, and failures
  • Networking of product requirements and manufacturing processes
  • Formulation of safety functions (functional safety)
  • System analysis using the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) methodology
  • Operation according to VDA (Vol. 4)

Your Benefits

Why e1ns.architect?

Functional relations and failure analysis

  • Functional relationships result automatically from the system design and are visualized as nets.
  • The function net shows how the requirements are related to the implementation. It shows, e.g. the influence of a process step on the product functionality.
  • Each function is checked for non-compliance, which leads to the creation of the failure net. During development and in case of complaints, the problem causes need to be identified, and it is possible to see which further problems could arise elsewhere as a consequence.
  • The failure net automatically fills in the corresponding FMEA forms with failures, causes, and effects at all system levels.
  • For potential failures, safety functions are defined and traceably linked.

System design, requirements, and specifications

  • The combination of systematic analysis (link matrix) and the visualization of relationships (nets) is a method that quickly provides robust results.
  • A discipline- and solution-independent representation of the overall system is used as the basis for all further activities.
  • All areas in product and process development work on the same system design and contribute to its completion by integrating their specific requirements, analyses, and data.
  • Requirements are specified in detail and linked to the elements that are responsible for their implementation. Each requirement is validated (link to the DVP&R).

Central system architecture for projects, documents, and tasks

  • e1ns.architect supplies a central structure for all activities, creates all project and product documentation, and generates all verifications needed in product and process development. Consistency, transparency, currency, and traceability provide security during day-to-day work and during audits.


Discover all e1ns methods

Tailored methods set to your development process with the associated forms - simple, intuitive, in the web browser.

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Creation of FMEAs: Worldwide, easily and in a team.

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Inspection Plan

Quality assurance measurements during production.

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Process Flow

Process flows for identifying the causes of possible malfunctions.

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Change management with DRBFM: Success with methods.

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Hazard Analysis & FMEDA

Hazard Analysis and FMEDA (ISO 26262)

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Complaints & 8D

Permanent complaints resolution.

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Special characteristics

Ensure consistency of special characteristics.

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